California Lemon Law Topics:

Find out
if your 
vehicle qualifies for 
California lemon law:

This is a free service for
all California consumers.
(If your vehicle is a 2019 - 2025 and
under the manufacturer?s factory 
warranty, or it recently expired.)

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My On-Staff Auto Expert Is The “Game-Changer”.

To be able to win (settle) a California lemon law case, you must let your opponent (the automobile manufacturer) know that you know as much as they do about the problems/issues/defects with the model vehicle that is the subject of the lemon law case.

Most law firms, due to the astronomically high cost of hiring an Auto Expert, choose not to get an expert involved early in the case - and this comes at a cost - knowledge. Knowledge is power - it settles cases. Randy Sottile, my on-staff Auto Expert, has worked with me on over 12,000 cases.

Call 1-858-342-0073 or email the Lemon Law Auto Expert, Randy Sottile, about your vehicle problems/issues!

How important is having an expert from the beginning of the case? Answer: vitally important. A recent trial I had against Ford Motor Company was won specifically by the information that my Auto Expert provided me with, to which I impeached Ford’s expert’s testimony in trial. In other words – he didn’t know what he was talking about on a specific key fact to the case. We won the trial. I have done that many times with my Auto Expert, who works with me from the very start of the case – all the way through.  It should be noted that only 1% of my California lemon law cases every see a courtroom – I settle them long before that.

Auto manufacturers will not volunteer information. If you ask for it, you have to know how to ask for it with specifics. My Auto Expert, Randy Sottile, researches all key pertinent information before we even take you case!  This serves to show my clients how thorough I am in my attention to factual/critical detail.

To my knowledge, other lemon law firms do not employ on-staff Auto Experts, nor have an Auto Expert that has been engaged in over 12,000 California Lemon Law cases working on behalf of the clients.

I invite you to call, as you have everything to gain, nothing to lose, and nothing to risk. 1-800-225-3666


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